Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis told Kavala residents on Thursday that the election conundrum entails more than just moving forward or back; it is a choice between stability and chaos. He accused the main opposition party, SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance, of being “dizzy from its contradictory statements” and stated that the “Demeter” proposal “could be ridiculous if it weren’t so dangerous.”
Furthermore, he stated that the only way to avoid such a scenario is for New Democracy to show its strength at the polls on May 21, 2023.
The prime minister specifically addressed young people, encouraging them to vote for the New Democracy party in the upcoming May 21st elections. He promised them that doing so would result in greater employment prospects, housing, and prospects. In contrast, he chastised those who are “ashamed of their past” and have nothing to give young people’s future.
During his speech to the Kavala regional unit, Mitsotakis mentioned a “wind of growth” and mentioned that the region recently got over €25,000,000 in compensation for crop loss.