Officers of the Security Office of the Central Port Authority of Kavala arrested a 31-year-old citizen this morning, for violating law 4139/13 “on addictive substances and other provisions”.

In particular, in a control carried out inside the central port of Kavala, the above was found to be in possession of a quantity of raw hemp in a nylon package with a total gross weight of 2.2 g, a nylon package with tobacco soaked in hemp oil with a gross weight of 36 g. and a glass jar of leftover hemp oil.

From the Central Port Authority of Kavala, which is conducting the preliminary investigation, the above found items were confiscated. is the pseudonym under which we publish and manage the content and operations of - the largest multilingual daily news publication in the City of Kavala with over 200,000 annual readers. Publishing under the alias is our humble way of paying tribute to the name of our beloved city.

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